
13 May 2012

Wood Fungus

Wood Fungus – KTH Biomicry field trip study, Seamus Guidera , 24/042012

The organism I documented for our nature walk in April was a type of wood fungus. This fungi is a type of polypore. This example is on a dead, fallen tree on the forest floor. These polypores serve an important function in recycling this material back into a form which can be reused by other plants or animals. This would imply the wood fungus acts in a symbiotic relationship, however by looking at the photograph above it looks like the fungus is a parasite on the fallen tree.


This wood fungus is a polypore. Polypores are considered a type of mushroom, leathery, tough and without a stalk. Polypores are commonly found on rotting logs, and extremely resistant to rot. Because of this it is possible for moss to form on them, similar to rock and wood. Polypores are all safe to eat and almost always grow on rotting trees. This is also interesting in medical research as an anti-bacterial and anti-viral remedy, but is still relatively untried and tested. 
I found the idea interesting that the wood fungus helps the rotting tree to decay faster. And maybe this could be mimicked in Architecture with a facade which grows a type of new facade from the rotting one 

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